We have a few changes happening in August, mainly in preparation for increasing our numbers as our new Associate Trainers finish start to move from the "training" phase of their probation and into the "doing" phase. Once our new additions are ready, we will be able to handle more teams in training at one time. Of course, we are very excited and looking forward to assisting more veterans and dogs. It also means that our current class structure needs some adjustments to ensure everyone is getting the best service possible for such a large group. One of the things that will help this restructuring is our budding mentor program.

Summer can be a hard time to make changes because kids are out of school, vacations happen, and generally it is a time of regeneration and recreation for people. Despite that, we have quite a bit of interest from graduates about the mentor program. Things should really pick up in August once the kids go back to school. It is going to be wonderful for enrollees to have access to graduates of the program who have had similar experiences and struggled to the ones they are facing while going through training. I have already seen some benefits with the limited contact that has taken place already and can't wait to see our graduates in action as things pick up.
Then there is Celebration of Heroes coming up at the end of August! Time to honor our graduates and recognize all those wonderful people who make what Paws and Stripes does possible. Each year this event gets better. Basically, it is a big ol' party and we love it. Work hard/play hard...see some things stay the same(ish).