It will be interesting to note any differences between this trip and the one that we took almost exactly a year ago. We will be traveling about the same distance and traveling by car, just like last year. That trip went very well, especially since Cura had been training for such a short period of time. Of course, I was a bit uncomfortable taking her so far from home for fear that she would somehow get away from me and end up lost. I no longer have that fear -- I know that Cura won't go far. Don't get me wrong, I'm not foolish and do take precautions -- but accidentally dropping the leash no longer sends a flash of panic through my body. Now, it is more like . . . oh, oops . . . whereas before it was more like . . . OH NO! WHERE'S THE LEASH! (frantic motion to get my hands on it or to step on it so Cura doesn't get away).
So, I imagine the BIG difference between this trip and the one last year is going to be me! Go figure.