Cura and I have been together since 2009. We want to thank all of you who followed the early days as well as those who popped back on occasion during the long hiatus. Training was done, the days passed, and we were settling into our life together.
Fast forward: Cura is slowing down and a new member of the family is in training. On top of that, we are all busy with our new calling . . . Running the Training Department for Paws and Stripes. Join us on our journey!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


I realized in early 2013 that my sweet girl was slowing down.  Don't get me wrong, she still LOVED to work, but the days were getting too long and too busy for her to handle easily.  Cura was always excited when she knew we were heading out and she always did amazing -- making things so much easier for me -- but things were changing.

It took a long time (about a year), but Cura finally picked her successor this past February.  A young man who wormed his way into our hearts as a foster . . . and just stayed.  Yes, I am officially a "foster failure".  But it was time and Cura and I seemed ready -- or so I thought.  I came to realize that neither of us were truly ready for the reality of this transition . . . but here we are . . . and Treun makes three! 

Tune in next time to meet the new man of the house . . .