Cura and I have been together since 2009. We want to thank all of you who followed the early days as well as those who popped back on occasion during the long hiatus. Training was done, the days passed, and we were settling into our life together.
Fast forward: Cura is slowing down and a new member of the family is in training. On top of that, we are all busy with our new calling . . . Running the Training Department for Paws and Stripes. Join us on our journey!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hey! That's my spot!

Cura (a 65 pound dog) being displaced by the kitties!?

This is just too cute!  Cura is such a good-natured animal.  Even though she is bigger than any of the other animals in the house, she does not go around overtly bullying the three cats and Skye to get her way.  Case in point . . . a few months ago, Cura and I headed to bed for the night.  Usually, I tell Cura to 'Go to bed' and she heads for her crate that is located by my bed.  After only a few months, I was not closing the door on her crate at night (after all, what if I need her in the middle of the night -- she needs to be able to get to me) so I finally just took it off.  Well, when I had finished my pre-bed ablutions, this is what I found . . .

And who is the culprit?  This is our lovely boy Thai -- you may remember him from the pictures of Skye's adoptiversary.  Here you see him comfortably commandeering Cura's night-time bed.  And what does Cura do?  Lays down and waits for me to come to bed and fix it!

But wait, it does not end there . . .

Just the other day, I was going to spend the day at my desk working so I told Cura to 'Go upstairs' followed by the normal 'On your place' command.  Normally, this results in Cura making herself comfortable on her bed that is located by my desk.  You have seen it -- it is the blue one that features in many of the blog pictures.  Well, instead of settling, she kept coming back.  Finally, she stood in the doorway, looking at me, then looking in the direction of her bed . . . looking at me, then looking in the direction of her bed . . . looking at me, then looking in the direction of her bed . . . Well, I couldn't figure out what had gotten into her -- she was usually so good about going to her place.  When I entered the room with my desk, I saw this . . .
This time the usurper was Bear (Thai's brother).  I just love the look on Cura's face.  Translation:  "Mo-om!  Bear is in my spo-ot!  Fix it!"  Which, of course, I did.  But then, after leaving the room for a moment to get something to drink, I came back to this . . .

I think war may have been declared!  Batten down the hatches!

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